Back to school season is right around the corner. If you wander the shelves of your local book store you will find many books that talk about returning to school. New classrooms, buying school supplies, new teachers, etc. I don’t have anything against public school but as homeschoolers, we were looking for something a little different. I wanted my kids to read about other children that are in a relatable situation, learning from home.
After some searching I found some awesome back to school books for homeschoolers.
Back to School for Homeschoolers
Charlie goes to School

Originally, I thought that Charlie was a boy but I was wrong. Charlie, is a member of the family, he is the pet dog. The best friend that follows the kids everywhere and wants the other animals to learn. Charlie see’s value in learning in the home and does his best to help the mom out. It is an adorable picture book, my favorite is when he tried to teach the other dogs to read so that they wouldn’t eat his favorite food. We don’t have a dog but if we did this would be one of our favorites.
Kandoo Kangaroo Hops into Homeschool

This Is My Home, This Is My School

A home is much more than four walls, especially when you choose to homeschool. Each room/space serves multiple purposes and adapts to needs along the way. This is my Home, did a wonderful job at showing that you can learn everywhere; inside, outside and on field trips. Personally, I related with the Mom, I am always trying to keep my calm and be prepared for what lies ahead but that is an impossible task. What I can do is just the next thing and that is enough. Its a huge blessing to be able to have our home and school in one place, even though many things fall through the cracks.
Doug Unplugged

You can learn with online resources and books but when kids get out into the world and actually experience things as they are happening, that’s when light bulbs go off. Doug Unplugged was the perfect book to read to help kids remember to get out there and explore and ask questions.
Hanna, Homeschooler

The Moody Family (Series)

The First Day of Homeschool

Ippie Unschooled

For Our Families, Homeschooling Is the Best

Each year we add new books to help normalize our chosen method of education and I am loving our growing collection. They add the perfect element to our Back to School Morning Basket.
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