Last year we studied the Book of Mormon and it went pretty good for having four kids under 8. As a perpetual plan changer I knew that I was going to change our strategy for our Doctrine and Covenants study. It’s going to be great. Drum roll…..
2021 Plans for Come Follow Me: Doctrine and Covenants
We will be studying the Doctrine and Covenants similar to a book study! We will be reading the scriptures, adding books that give us more information to the historical background, doing experiments, copy work and whatever else we are led to. We will be following along with the Come Follow Me Manual published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and using a variety of resources from other sources. If you want to follow along you might want to grab a workbook and/or the subscription from The Red Headed Hostess. You do not need extra resources to study the scriptures but I have found them very beneficial and are using her products as our curriculum and we will supplement along the way.
Each week I will share our plans for our daily devotionals and how we are expanding them into our lessons. I know that for many families this will not work due to schedules but as a homeschool family with plenty of flexibility, we are going to take full advantage of our options. Take what catches your eye and leave the rest. I am only going to include the offshoots that interest my little family.
Let’s dive! This is our main page, where all the weeks will be linked so you can easily find the month or scriptures you are looking for. I will be updating this post as I get our plans arranged. Initially I wasn’t planning on sharing our study but many of you are excited to expand your study. Thanks for joining us as we travel back in time, study the modern revelations from God and add in some fun coordinating lessons along the way.
Doctrine and Covenants: Weekly Devotionals and Expanded Lessons
Week 1: Doctrine and Covenants 1
Join us to make goals as part of the Child and Youth Program, learn how scriptures are gems and learn about the writing tools Joseph Smith used while translating the Book of Mormon.
Week 2: Joseph Smith History 1: 1- 26
We will dive into the power of prayer, the first vision, maple syrup and the water cycle.
Week 3: Joseph Smith History 27- 65 & Doctrine and Covenants 2
Let’s revisit our goals and discover what we think the Lord has sent us to the earth for. We will plant seeds, think of our ancestors and their struggles, learn about Emma Smith, why eternal marriage is important and learn about corn.
Week 4: Doctrine and Covenants 3-5
This week we will learn about the lost pages of the manuscript, service and how to tend to seeds we have planted, make candles and learn about the timeline of indoor lighting.
Week 5: Doctrine and Covenants 6-9
Let’s learn about Oliver Cowdery, personal revelation harvesting wheat and how to use flour.
Week 6: Doctrine and Covenants 10-11
This week has a lot of great discussions going on. We are going to discuss Satan’s skills of deception, how to use prayer as a tool for following promptings (warnings), siblings and how nature can also be deceptive by studying camouflage.
Week 7:
Week 8:
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